Online Payment

Online Membership sign up

By clicking the button below:

In understand that by joining SingletrAction and clicking the “Submit” button below, I and other family members stated on the membership form

  • Agree that the details provided on this form will be stored on a computer database for the purpose of monitoring membership and communicating club information.
  • Your information will NOT be passed on to any 3rd party.
  • You will be added to the SingletrAction mailing list for the newsletter, updates re. digs and any special offers.
  • Understand that neither the club nor any of its officials can be held liable for any injury, loss or damage to persons or property whilst undertaking any activity associated with the SingletrAction Club.
  • Members are responsible for their own actions.
  • Will ensure that the club will be made aware of any applicable medical conditions that may effect me whilst on a club activity. I will provide details of a person to contact in case of emergency.

The fee is annual and membership is valid from the date of joining (payment received) for one year.
Membership for the principal member is £10. For each additional family member the fee is £7 per person.

Please be aware that we prefer to contact people regarding SingletrAction via email to reduce costs.
Please let us know if you change email address so that we can update our records.
Information is also posted on the website.