
Got a great idea?

Have you been eyeing up a project locally to you? Is there a site where people ride where there have been issues with the land owner or other users?

A lot of people come to SingletrAction looking for advice about how to get started with a build and we’re usually more than happy to help. Be warned, what you’ll find is that it’s a lot of work doing things properly and there are a lot of obstacles to overcome, but as the Wetherby Project demonstrates, it’s possible and well worth it.

If you want to pick our brains, just get in touch via “The Socials” (Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) or our Contact Page. If you favour TikTok, go here. We’re more than happy to speak on the phone and usually to meet for a Site Visit.

Some things to think about before you get in touch:

  • Who owns the site you are looking at? Landowners have liability for whatever happens on their patch.
  • Who will take responsibility for the running and maintenance of the site? Can you work with your local council?
  • Can you get a big enough group of people together to make a project happen?
  • Who is the project for? We’ll always advise making things accessible to as wide a range of users as possible.
  • Do you want to build yourself as volunteers, or try to fund a professional build?
  • What other residents/users are going to be affected? You’ll need to consult them and some of them will not (they will not) look happy.